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hunter valley wedding videography

Wedding Agreement & Booking Form

Please contact Sophie first (to check availability), before filling out this agreement & booking form.

1. AGREEMENT OVERVIEW: This Agreement expresses the full and complete agreement between the CLIENTS (Partner 1 and Partner 2, named below) and WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY (Hereafter referred to as WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY) regarding the recording and editing of video at the EVENT (date and location below). It supersedes all prior agreements. The only way to add or change this agreement is to do so in writing, and agreed by all parties.

2. COOPERATION: Unless otherwise noted, WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY, it's associates or employees will be the exclusive videographer(s) at this event. The Parties agree that good faith, cooperation and communication between them is important in obtaining a good result. WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY recommends that the CLIENTS identify to the videographer(s) important individuals during the event if they wish to have them filmed. WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY or the videographer(s) will not be held accountable for not filming desired guests if there is no one to assist in identifying and gathering people for filming. WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY is not responsible if key individuals fail to appear or cooperate during filming, or for missed video recordings/images due to details not revealed to WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY or beyond the videographer(s) control.

3. HOUSE RULES: CLIENTS agree and understand that the videographer(s) are limited by the guidelines of the ceremony official or reception site/venue management and CLIENTS agree to accept the results that may occur from said guidelines. Negotiation with the officials/management for moderation of guidelines is solely the CLIENTS responsibility.

4. MODEL RELEASE. The CLIENTS hereby grants to WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY and successors, heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, attorneys, representatives and agents, the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish video and photographs of the CLIENTS or in which the CLIENTS may be included, for editorial, trade, advertising or any other purpose and in any manner or medium; to alter the same without restriction; and to copyright the same. The CLIENTS hereby release WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY and all associates representatives and assigns from any and all claims, actions, demands, suits, liabilities, damages, expenses, and obligations of any kind arising from, or related in any manner to WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY’S use of said images.

5.FILMING, EDITING and COPYRIGHTS: 5.1 - Video recordings/images/edits produced by WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY are protected by Copyright Law (all rights reserved). Upon final payment by CLIENTS, CLIENTS are allowed to display resulting video recordings/images/edits for personal use. Said video recordings/images/edits may not be altered or reproduced in any manner without prior written permission of WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY. CLIENTS will receive a high resolution digital disk/USB with video recordings, images and/or edits for personal use, but may not copy, or re-distribute the disk/USB for commercial use. The CLIENTS must obtain written permission from WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY prior to the CLIENTS, their associates, friends or relatives selling the video recordings/images/edits or publishing/sharing them commercially (Eg. Website, Magazine). 

5.2 - WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY will make every attempt to properly and fully record and film all pertinent footage to be used in the development and production of the video edit. The CLIENTS are aware that due to the nature of live production, adverse situations and equipment failures can and may occur beyond WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY’s control that may alter the outcome of the video production. WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY cannot guarantee that any specific portion of the CLIENTS' event will be recorded in part or full. WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY will not be held monetarily or any way liable to the CLIENTS for failure to record  any specific portion of the CLIENTS' event.

6. HOURS OF COVERAGE: Hours of coverage are continuous. WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY's videographer(s) will take small breaks as necessary throughout this period, and will confide in the CLIENTS before doing so.

7. RETAINER & PAYMENT SCHEDULE: A non-refundable fee of $500.00 (deducted from the chosen package) is due at the signing of this agreement. This is a NON-REFUNDABLE RETAINER. Should the CLIENTS cancel or otherwise breach this Agreement, the NON-REFUNDABLE RETAINER shall be liquidated for damages to WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY. The CLIENTS shall also be responsible for payment of any materials/charges incurred up to time of cancellation. Otherwise, the retainer shall be applied towards the final total, with the remainder of charges payable in full, four (4) weeks prior to the date of the event. 

8. LIMIT OF LIABILITY: In the unlikely event that the photographer(s) are injured, become too ill, or has an emergency that prevents them from filming the event, WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY will make every effort to secure a replacement videographer. If a suitable replacement is not found, the CLIENTS agree that responsibility and liability of WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY to the CLIENTS is limited to the return of all payments received for the event. WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY takes the utmost care with respect to storage and processing the video recordings/images/edits, but cannot and does not, guarantee that video recordings/images/edits will not be lost, stolen, or destroyed for reasons within or beyond WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY control. CLIENTS agrees that WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY or the videographer(s) full and complete responsibility and liability is limited to the return of all payments received for the event. 

9. FORCE MAJEUR & SAFE ENVIRONMENT: 9.1 - If WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY cannot perform or believes it may not be able to perform this Agreement in whole or in part due to a fire, natural disaster, act of war or terrorism (domestic or foreign), epidemic or pandemic (including COVID-19), action of any governmental authority (including a Government Order as defined in Section 9.3), national or regional emergency, other casualty, act of God, or other cause beyond the control of the parties or due to WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY’s illness or injury, whether or not foreseeable (“Force Majeure Event”), then WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY will give notice to the CLIENTS as soon as reasonably practicable after WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY determines that a Force Majeure Event will or may prevent their videographer(s) from performing under this Agreement. WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY shall have no obligation to perform under this Agreement and no liability for delays or failures to perform due to a Force Majeure Event, but WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY may, in WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY’s discretion, work with the CLIENTS to find an alternative date for the EVENT that is suitable to both CLIENTS and WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY. To the extent the Parties cannot agree on a suitable replacement date consistent with WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY’s availability, WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY may also, in its sole discretion, refund fees paid, less any amounts necessary to cover expenses and work (based on time spent by WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY) already performed related to the EVENT, including, but not limited to, pre-wedding communications, development of timelines, and preparation of gear for the EVENT (the “Refund Amount”). In the case of a Force Majeure Event, WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY shall have no additional liability to CLIENTS with respect to this Agreement beyond that described in this Section and below.

9.2 - In the case of a Force Majeure Event that impacts WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY individually, but does not otherwise impact the EVENT, including, but not limited to, illness or injury to videographer(s), WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY shall make reasonable efforts to suggest a replacement videographer for the EVENT. If a suitable replacement is not found, the CLIENTS agree that responsibility and liability of WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY to the CLIENTS is limited to the return of all payments received for the event.

9.3 - CLIENTS understands that WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY works to maintain a safe work environment, including but not limited to, complying with applicable governmental laws, directives, orders, and regulations (each a “Governmental Order”). CLIENTS further understand and agree that WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY shall not be required to perform under this Agreement if the EVENT is held in violation of a Governmental Order or WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY’s participation in the EVENT would violate a Governmental Order. The CLIENTS also understand and agree that WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY is not obligated to continue to perform under this Agreement if the WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY’s personal safety or well-being has been or will be comprised or threatened at the EVENT, including, but not limited to, as a result of the condition of the venue for the EVENT, or the conduct of an attendee of the EVENT.

Please fill the below form out carefully.

Once you have submitted this agreement + booking form, you will receive an email with a copy of this agreement, along with your current owing invoice & bank details.

Sophie will then confirm your booking once the $500 deposit has been received. Please send a confirmation email when you make any payments.

Optional add-ons:
We understand that this agreement constitutes the entire contract for services between WHITE MAPLE VIDEOGRAPHY and both partners (the CLIENTS). By clicking 'agree' we are agreeing to be bound by the above terms.

Thanks for submitting!

Newcastle      |     Hunter Valley     |     Port Stephens

©2024 by White Maple Videography. All Rights Reserved.

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